Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Remember Kasey Gates? Think Eagle...

Hey, Centennial class of '97! This is Kasey Gates! I'm not really in your class since I was transferred to Eagle High after my Sophomore year, but we would have all graduated together if not for the transfer. Jeff was nice enough to let me post on the site because I know so many of you and remember you with so much fondness. I'm hoping to be able to talk to some of you through e-mail or whatever. So here's a little of what I've been up to... I have missed everyone in high school so much since leaving, but such is life. I have been in college, doing well, for a loooooong time because I kept having to transfer due to family issues. I received an associates degree in interpersonal communication at Ricks college, studied writing at the Metropolitan State college of Denver (almost finished, then had to leave), and English at BYU (once again, almost finished, had to leave...UGH!!!). I certified as an aerobics instructor in high school and have been working in that field on and off for many years. I still enjoy composing music and writing, but I don't have much time to do anything between the diaper changings, soothings, playtimes, and teaching times of my two little ones. I was told a couple weeks after being married that I had a condition that could cause me to be unable to have children. I went through some icky treatment, then decided to try to get pregnant. I was so excited when we actually found out I was expecting! Then, to our great sadness, I lost my baby. It was pretty much like a nightmare. But we got through it, tried again, and to my joy I became pregnant again. I had a rough pregnancy and a challenging natural childbirth, something I had always wanted to do, and had the most beautiful baby girl. We named her Kassidy. Well, then fate decided to step in with a sense of humor. I was still recovering from Kassidy's birth when I became pregnant AGAIN (and AGAIN had a natural childbirth with no drugs at all even though she was turned with her skull on my spine...no, I'm not crazy...). Don't get me wrong...what a blessing...but the timing? Well, let's just say I guess in this life you are taught the lesson of patience more times than you can count. I gave birth twice in a year and eight days!! I had another difficult pregnancy while trying to care for an infant, and it still makes me dizzy trying to entertain two babies in two different stages of development....it's like having twins but people have told me it is more difficult because they are on different levels, so you have to come up with double the activities, different dinners, etc. They are the most beautiful baby girls!! I am very blessed but they are high-maintenance blessings for sure!! I don't have many opportunities to sing anymore, and I don't own a piano. That has been a little sad for me, but I try to remember that there are seasons to life, and in this season I am trying to enjoy every ounce of baby dimples and giggles that I can. They grow up so fast. I am so excited to see what everyone is up to. I'm glad I found this site!!
Me with my girls
Kassidy, Baby #2

Kaylee, Baby #3


Anonymous said...

It's crazy to see you, you haven't changes at all, congrats on your two beutiful girls. Do you remember when we tried out for the talent show in middle school, I still wish that I could dance better, thats why my girls are in dance, is because of you. I'd love to talk more. check out my website and click on contact us. Thanks
Marcia Benton (Warden)

Jake Garling said...

Hey Kasey-
Melissa (Hessing) Garling here. I was so happy to see you on the web site. I would love to catch up with you. Email me at garlinggirls@yahoo.com