First, I have been married for 11 years now. I married Brian Oldroyd on July 12, 1996 in Boise, Idaho. On January 30, 1997 our daughter was born and passed away 2 weeks later on February 13, 1997. Brian and I were 18 years old and were confused, sad and hurt of course, but 10 years down the road we have 3 healthy children and are happier then ever! Sometimes we go through trials, and wonder why is this happening to me…but it made me stronger and more appreciative towards life. My son Bryce is 9 years old and is into the wii, game cube and sports. My daughter Mackenzie is 7 years old and followed her mom’s foot steps with dancing. She is my All American. It’s hard to find a soccer player, baseball player and Ballerina all in one. She does it all! Austin is my 2nd boy and he is 4 and he loves swimming. He finally learned how to jump off our boat and swim in the lake with out being scared.
In 2001 we moved up to Moscow, Idaho so my husband could go to school. We stayed there for 6 months and moved to Pullman, Washington. Pullman is 7 miles away so Brian still attends the U of I and is going on his last year. He is graduating in Accounting. I stayed home with my children until 2004; I was offered a teaching position at a dance studio. I taught Ballet, lyrical, jazz, tap and Cheerleading. It was so nice to be dancing again. On May 1st 2007 I decided to go all the way towards my dreams and start up my own Dance Studio. We opened the doors a month later and are doing great! My studio is called Rising Stars Dance Studio www.risingstarsstudio.com , go check out my site and if anyone moves to the area with little future dancers I’ll hook you up… Dancing has always been a huge part of my life and always will be.
In the past year my husband and I have traveled to the Bahamas, Jamaica, Mexico, and Cayman Islands. There is nothing like the turquoise Ocean. We enjoyed all the snorkeling, cater man sails and of course our time alone. Every parent needs a vacation to get their Batteries re charged! Usually you’ll find us camping and boating with our children and friends. You can check out my myspace for all updates. www.myspace.com/kerdance21
I miss everyone from Centennial. We all had some good times. We did dumb things of course, but it’s fun to laugh about them now. Have fun at the Reunion! It’s been fun reading everyone’s updates.
Take Care, Keri Oldroyd
Just checked out your website, you're a busy girl. Very cute site, wow, your all grown up! Miss you tons and hope to see you when you come into town next time, if you'll call me. I know you have my number, no excuses! You owe me since you came last month and no call!? Miss you!
Andrea Rumsey
Keri! It was great seeing your update. I kept thinking of all the years of dance we had together and carpooling. I remember how mad your sister would be everytime she had to drive us and my dad doing morse code with car honks (embarrassing then). I'm so happy to see you doing so well. (And a bit jealous of all the vacations. If you're getting good deals send them our way. We could use a bit of turquoise oceans. Take care cutie!
~Karalenn (Smart) Hippen
It was good to hear what you and your family are up to. Sounds like you're all doing extremely well. Congrats on the new studio. That's been my sister's dream for years!
Jeff Jones
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