Monday, June 11, 2007

Tickets To The Reunion Available Here!

I can't believe the reunion is only 2 months away - but it is! As you may recall, we are holding the reunion at The Big Easy Club in downtown Boise. There will be food/beverage, music, dancing, a program, good socializing, maybe a game/competition/raffle, etc. I can only guarantee an amazing time simply based off the overwhelming response we have gotten from all of you to catch up with old friends.

As we draw closer and closer to the reunion on August 18th, we are ready to start collecting money for your tickets. Although seemingly annoying to pay in advance, it really helps us to know how much food we need and have the money collected to buy everything that is required. So in order to make this mutually beneficial, we are giving a price break to those who buy early! The tickets are coming to $50 a person - but if you buy in advance, they are only $45 a person. So save yourself some money and click on the link to the right that says "Add To Cart". You can purchase using your credit/bank card and you don't even need a Paypal account.

Alright everyone! Don't be shy - bust out those cards and get set for an amazing night! Bring spouses, friends, dates, whatever...just get a ticket stat! If you have any questions whatsoever, just email me and I'll get you an answer. We rather you ask then just decide not to come based on faulty information. Seriously, this is going to be awesome.

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